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REI Co-op ran a 48-hour sweepstakes where it asked, “What’s Your But?” in an attempt to challenge consumers to venture outside during winter.

The sweepstakes asked fans to use social media to explain why they cannot go outside to play. REI prompted fans with examples like: “But I don’t like how I look in a puffy jacket” or “But a blizzard might come and what if my clothes get wet and I freeze into a statue?”

REI then replied individually to each message with links from their website that help solve the winter problems. Two winners with the most creative excuses won REI crafted trips and 54 winners received gift cards. Accompanying the sweepstakes is a “No Buts Night Run” that will take place on January 31st. REI will donate $1 to the American Hiking Society for every person who pledges to run outside that evening. 

REI opened its platforms for consumer complaints, rewarded creativity, and offered incentives that were perfectly aimed at young active adults. The sweepstakes matched perfectly with the brand’s target audience and encouraged participation in a way that didn’t feel like a cheap attempt for attention.