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While you might not be a thirty-something stay at home mom, you can still learn something about the way soap operas have reinvented themselves (yet again). Soap operas have gained a cult like following over the years and have had to adapt to many decades of changes in technology and consumer behavior. Net Soaps is a new online venture from All Screens Media and the producers of Days of Our Lives that will live as an interactive web community hosting online contests, Q&As, and engaging opportunities for passionate fans such as voting on significant decisions such as, “Who will play a role?”, “Who dies?”, and of course, “Who cheats on who?”

One of the flagship features of this innovative online engagement approach is having actors and actress upload video reels to the microsite where fans can vote on who gets the part. It also gives everyday fans a chance to be part of the process and by uploading their own video to go head-to-head against their favorite entertainers. The launch of this online endeavor has been a long time coming for the soaps world, and essential meeting the demand of the new digital-savvy soap operas fans. From the typical fifties house wife to today’s modern day supermom, the make-up of the soap opera aficionado has changed, prompting a new way to connect an audience with it’s obsession. Learn more about this strategic digital approach here.