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The app Square Order is simplifying the lives of coffee-goers in the San Francisco and New York areas by enabling them a way to order – and pay for – their favorite lattes via the convenience of their smart phones.

Users can place their coffee orders ahead of time, paying directly through the mobile app so they won’t have to wait in line at pickup. To prevent drinks from getting cold, the app’s new arrival prediction feature tracks users as they approach the store they’ve ordered from, alerting the store to prepare the order just in time. Square Order also stores users’ purchase history so they won’t have to go through the trouble of specifying their favorite cappuccino every time. By streamlining the way consumers order, pay for and pick up their coffee, Square Order hopes to make everyone’s morning routine a little less hectic. Blue Bottle Coffee is currently the only retailer leveraging the Square Order, but this type of order-ahead functionality is a rising trend, likely to be available in other retail outlets in the future.

Learn more about Square Order at TechCrunch or The Next Web and let us know what you think on Twitter! Is this something you could see yourself using?