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Chipotle has released a game for iOS and a supplementary short film in an effort to educate people on where their food ingredients come from. The popular burrito chain essentially wanted an entertaining way to show people the difference between processed foods and what Chipotle serves, which is very high-quality ingredients—the “real” thing. Aside from the overall entertainment provided by the game and video, they’re incentivizing the game by giving out redeemable food points for beating various levels of the game. Also, in a refreshing take, Chipotle has very little branding on either the game or film (both are free), as they prefer the focus being more on the message that the world needs to build a better food system. Building a campaign that uses little branding and focuses on overall messaging aligns well with the Chipotle brand, and the added bonus of product incentives for participation should prove successful. This mix of online entertainment and on-site rewards is a great example of a brand that connects all the dots – a trend that could continue into the future. Head over to VentureBeat to learn more and watch The Scarecrow short film.