News You Can Use

The Chicago Bulls have launched their first mobile app to give their fans a robust experience with the team all in the palm of their hand. The app allows fans to connect to the team or their favorite players whenever and wherever they want. It provides them with location-based arena information, team news, schedule information, game tracking and the latest content from sources such as BullsTV and Hall of Fame writer, Sam Smith. Fans can also customize push notifications from the app, such as breaking news, start of the game, end of quarter updates or final score. Additionally, fans can now purchase tickets directly through the app, as well as sign up for team emails, promotions and contests. The “Amenities” feature shows fans what’s around them while in the arena such as food/beverages, restrooms, etc. To cross-link, the app integrates social media, enabling fans to follow the team’s Twitter feed and check in on Facebook for home games.

While it seems somewhat late in the game (pun intended) for a popular franchise such as the Bulls to just now be releasing a team app, the Bulls are one of many sports teams that don’t have an app as of yet. Those who download the app are typically going to be big Bulls fans and  will want to buy merchandise and uncover as much real-time information as possible about their team, so what better way to give it to them then through a free app on their phone. According to Sam smith, “Planning an evening around an upcoming game, showing off statistical knowledge, sharing highlights from last night’s game to friends; these all begin with an all-too-familiar reach into our pockets. We want to be a one-tap resource for our fans.”

Read more about this unique sports team app or download it and see for yourself.