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Ordering lunch at Burger King just became the most exciting part of the day, thanks to Instagram.

Taking place in Spain and using Instagram Stories, Burger King asked fans to build their perfect Whopper through a series of poll-type questions. Once the user completed the questions, they were digitally sent a coupon for a free customized burger.

In three hours, over 34,000 coupons were awarded through 270,000 interactions. But, even those who didn’t participate in the digital promotion still got to enjoy a burger lunch. By compiling the aggregate results of the poll, Burger King produced Spain’s favorite Whopper, the “InstaWhopper” that is available now for a limited time.

Burger King’s promotion tackles a challenge that marketers and brands face everyday- converting digital activations into ROI. Their efforts resulted in a 10% increase in Instagram followers, thousands of store visits, and a reason to continue eating with the brand. Keeping in mind that the promotion ran without any paid media, it shows that big budgets aren’t always key to successful activations. Rather, opportunities for two-way communication and personalization can be the ticket to earning both fans and revenue.